Michael David Rose
Janet Durgin Guild and Commons
Sonoma Academy
Santa Rosa, California
Client: WRNS Studio
Building Size: 25,000 sf
Project Cost: $17.2 million
Certifications: Seeking LEED Platinum, Living Building, Zero Energy, + WELL Building Certifications
The new 25,000 square foot Grange and Maker Building includes classrooms, kitchen, dining, and academic offices is on track to achieve LEED Platinum Certification, Living Building Challenge Zero Energy Building Certification, and Well Building Certification. The project will also include a second phase consisting of a new auditorium theatre and stage. The project utilizes the following strategies:
- engineered natural ventilation
- geoexchange heating and cooling
- radiant slabs and ceilings
- heat recovery High levels of daylight autonomy
- low energy food service with heat recovery and convection cooking
- variable flow kitchen hoods
- storm and water recycling for landscape and non-potable re-use
News & Awards
- Sonoma Academy featured in AECCafe
- AIA East Bay Excellence in Design for Well-Being, 2020
- Honorable Mention, Sustainability, Fast Company Innovation by Design Award, 2020
- 1st Place Technology Award for New Educational Facilities, ASHRAE Golden Gate Chapter, 2019
- Sustainable Design, IIDA Northern CA Chapter Interior Award, 2019
- Acterra Business Environmental Award, 2019 (and 2018 finalist)
- USGBC Building Health Leadership Award, 2019
- Finalist, Architecture + Collaboration, Architizer A+ Awards, 2019
- Greenbuild, 2018
- Honorable Mention, Building Design + Construction, 2018
- Living Future unConference 2018
- COTE Top Ten Award, Sustainable Design Excellence, AIA National Committee on the Environment, 2018
- WoodWorks™ Regional Excellence Wood Design Award, 2018
- Architecture Citation, AIA San Francisco Design Award, 2018
- Design and Sustainability, AIACC Design Leading Edge Award, 2018
- National Institute of Building Sciences First Place Honor Award, 2018
- Finalist, Sustainable Building, WAN Award, 2018
- California ZNE Team Leadership School Award, 2017