Taylor Design / PLA
San Mateo Medical Center Administration Building
San Mateo, California
Client: Taylor Design
Building Size: 70,000 sf
Project Cost: $31.5 Million
Certifications: Seeking Zero Energy
The new Zero Net Energy (ZNE) administrative building is currently in design to include a café, BSL-2 and BSL-3 public health laboratory spaces, open offices and classrooms. To achieve ZNE, all equipment serving the building and any dining kitchen equipment are thoughtfully selected to eliminate the use of any gas-burning equipment.
Mechanical systems will be staged to utilize natural ventilation, when all possible, and mechanical cooling/heating will be activated only when required. Electric heat recovery chiller will produce the required heating hot water and chilled water for the mechanical system. Due to safety requirements, a standalone 100% outside air unit with exhaust fans will serve the public health laboratories. To offset the electrical load required by the building, any available roof space will be utilized to install Photovoltaic (PV) panels. Currently, numerous iterations of PV layout Is being reviewed to achieve the maximum electrical output for the building.